Competitions Tokens

Competitions Tokens

Competitions Tokens are the official virtual currency that you can use to bid and enter our member only competitions, here at WIN BIG. You can use your Competitions Tokens to enter and win our exclusive competitions and prizes. Win Big Competitions are easy to enter and fun to play  with our unique ‘Click, Bid & Enter’ system.

To earn more Competitions Tokens you can subscribe as a member and receive new tokens each month or you can take advantage of our free Competition Token offers that we giveaway from time to time.  Be sure to register with our Facebook page & Twitter page so you don’t miss out on free Competition Token offers.

You can also earn more Competitions Tokens by referring friends, downloading and sharing our free Competitions Guide “How to Win Competitions”, and simply by becoming an ambassador and entering more competitions.  The more you enter the more chances you have of WINNING BIG!

Support Our Community

By supporting the community, it means that we can offer more competitions and bigger prizes.  To show your support you can enter and take up these great FREE offers. Keep in mind that the more offers you enter, the BIGGER the prizes we can offer at WIN BIG AUSTRALIA! It’s Win – Win!

1) Register today and get a free game in the next Powerball Lotto Draw*.
2) Register today at Scratch Mania and receive $7 free in real money!
3) Get free money with Scratch2Cash and win big! Sign up for free today.
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5) Join Australia’s leading survey site and win cash and prizes
6) Sign up to Offers Now for you chance to win $1500 cash!
7) Signup with Aussie Homeware for your chance to win great prizes

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